upjers has released its dinosaur game for Apple users. The colorful prehistoric world of Dinosaur Park – Primeval Zoo has already been highly successful in the Play Store – and now iOS gamers can finally open their own dinosaur parks too!
Dinosaurs ruled the earth from the Jurassic to the Cretaceous – now they’re back and want to play! Tree stumps, pits with rocks, running wheels, or even slings: Every dinosaur species has its own preferences in Dinosaur Park – Primeval Zoo. That doesn’t just apply to play equipment, but also to food and lodgings, so players will find a wide variety of different troughs and enclosures for their prehistoric monsters.
Players can create a flourishing dinosaur zoo, complete with brontosaurs, stegosaurs, and the might T-rex. Curious visitors will provide a regular stream of income for players that will allow them to expand and decorate their parks. Of course, breeding these formerly extinct animals is also a cornerstone of Dinosaur Park – Primeval Zoo. It won’t be long before the eggs hatch and tiny dinos will be scampering around, charming young and old alike with their irresistible cuteness.
The cartoon graphics of this game app are also sure to captivate iOS players. Brought to life by the talented upjers graphic artists all dinosaurs – from peaceful herbivores to ferocious raptors – have a fresh, colorful coat of paint. See for yourself! Get Dinosaur Park – Primeval Zoo for your iPhone or iPad! Play the hottest new mobile game for dinosaur fans!
The Dinosaur Park – Primeval Zoo project was funded in part with 200,000 € by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure’s computer game funding program.
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