The infamous Hunter known as Paul “The Big Show” Wight is stopping by our studio this weekend. He’s going to join us on stream to play some Destiny. That means that some of you will have a chance to win an Emblem. This will be a Bungie Bounty, but we are going to mix up the activities. We’ll play a few Strikes, some Vex Offensive, and then finish up with some Crucible so Big Show can pound some Warlocks into dust.
The usual rules for a Bungie Bounty apply: For Crucible, you will need to match into our game and be on the winning team. For everything PVE, you only need to match with us fight the good fight to earn the new Bungie Bounty emblem.
The last time we did a Bungie Bounty we played on Xbox. This time we will be playing on PS4.
Bungie Bounty
Platform – PS4
October 19 2PM – 4PM Pacific
PC, you are on deck. More on that later…”
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