Escape from Tarkov has gained a lot of traction in 2020. However, since the game has been in beta for over three years now, one cannot help but wonder if the game is worth getting in 2021, or not. Therefore, to clear any confusions and give you an idea of what you can expect from the game, here is our experience. If you want to try it out, the game costs around $45 at the time of publishing this article, and while youβre at it, why not take a look at what Escape from Tarkov Item deals you can get off Eldorado?
How is the difficulty?
If you thought Counter-Strike or PUBG is difficult, wait till you actually play this game. Escape from Tarkov is easily one of the most punishing FPS games in existence, period. You will always be switching between the role of hunter or prey. The game definitely requires a noteworthy amount of time to actually become good at it, but the experience gained will definitely not go to waste.
Is the game immersive?
Escape from Tarkov is possibly one of the most immersive and realistic multiplayer games out there. It offers numerous locations to explore; from abandoned buildings and factories to pristine coastlines. The game also comes with an immersive take on the reload system, as well as the ammo scarcity. Pair that up with the critical injuries mechanic, and you have yourself a unique and immaculate formula for the most immersive first-person shooter game.
The open-world experience is quite reminiscent of your standard horror game, except in this case, the only horror youβll be facing is the other players. Admittedly, every game has its shortcomings that break the illusion of immersion. For Escape from Tarkov, it is the unrealistic approach of not being able to step into water. Likewise, you may also find it annoying that your character will be incapable of climbing barriers.
Extremely low railings and barriers are easily mountable even in real life. However, the game makes the act seem impossible. Therefore, instead of climbing up a 2ft tall fence, you will be forced to look for a door or gateway to the building.
What is the combat like?
As mentioned before, Escape from Tarkov is no less than an actual combat simulator, when it comes to realism. The game features an in-depth guns modification system, where the only thing holding you back is your imagination. The gameβs realistic reload system is quite impressive. If you want your character to reload a gun insanely fast, you might end up dropping the entire mag. Likewise, you might also find that you can load your magazines with bullets straight from the backpack.
The gunplay requires an understanding of the gunβs recoil and aiming. This is mainly because Escape from Tarkov does not use crosshairs for the game. And if caught using crosshairs with 3rd party apps, you will be banned right away.
Furthermore, instead of charging in guns blazing, Escape from Tarkov insinuates a more strategic approach to each battle. It requires the player to target certain body parts, and have an understanding of how much damage each gun inflict. More importantly though, winning a battle is totally possible, only to die from bleeding out. And though this may not inherently seem as adrenaline-fueled, it definitely is.
If that isnβt enough to convince you how superior the gameplay is, then get this. A skilled player can easily take out multiple enemies that are armed from head to toe. Let that sink in for a moment.
How does the progression system work?
The progression system for EFT revolves mainly around amassing wealth and money. The game also features a hideout system, enabling players to utilize scavenged items for passive buffs and other craftables. Needless to say, the hideout system for Tarkov is the sole endgame feature that really matters. You will find yourself spending insurmountable amounts of rubble just to unlock your initial workstation.
Is the game still active?
The game amasses a lot of hype after its boom in early 2020. Several top Twitch streamers were seen to be streaming the game, including Shroudy Rowdy himself. With over 3 million Twitch followers and a viewer count that rarely dips 10k, Escape from Tarkov is definitely at its best.
Escape from Tarkov features an interesting faction system that enables a 3-way battle amongst the Scavs, Bears and USMC.
After considering all the mentioned factors, the game is absolutely worth your money. But, thatβs only if youβre capable of dying from unknown places and players, as well as getting raided by other factions. Nevertheless, if it is realism you desire, it is realism youβll get. The game is a must-buy for hardcore gamers and shooter players.
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