We rely on electricity for everything from running a business to relaxing on a rainy day. Unfortunately, life is more unpredictable than ever.
There are a growing number of powerful storms in every region of the UK. For UK Power Networks, the area’s biggest power provider, power outages are more frequent and put more strain on the power grid.
The power systems are vulnerable to climate change and cyberattacks. That could leave you without power. It may be the right time to get a standby generator to keep the power going.
What is the best standby generator? Keep reading to find out how you can tell if it’s the right time for a standby generator and how you can find the right one for your needs.
What is a Standby Generator?
Is a standby generator the same as every other generator on the market? No, it’s not.
A standby generator is an automatic generator that runs on liquid propane or natural gas. With other types of generators, like portable generators, you have to go outside and start them manually.
Standby generators are hooked up to your home’s power supply and they can sense when the power goes out. The generator will turn on automatically, so you don’t lose power for more than a few seconds.
Think of a standby generator like your heat and cooling unit. When the thermostat senses that the temperature is above or below the set temperature, the heat or cooling unit turns on to bring the temperature to what’s set on the thermostat.
Do you Need a Standby Generator?
There’s no doubt that a standby generator offers a lot of conveniences. Does that mean that it’s worth getting? Let’s take a look at some reasons why you’d consider getting a standby generator for your home.
Do you want to increase the value of your home? A standby generator can help you do that. There is a higher price tag for these generators, but you can recoup up to 150% of the cost in the value of your home.
Blackouts Happen More Often
The other reason why you’d want to get a standby generator is that you’re in a place where there are stronger storms or rolling blackouts. California suffered through rolling blackouts to try to prevent the spread of wildfires.
That can have a huge impact on your life. If you work from home, your income may be at the mercy of the electric utility.
You Have Home Health Care
Your health may depend on having access to power. People with chronic lung problems rely on electricity to power a nebulizer to assist with breathing. Diabetics need to refrigerate insulin.
These potential issues affect the elderly more than other parts of the population because they’re more likely to rely on home health care.
A standby generator can be so much more than a modern convenience in these instances. It can literally save lives.
Finding the Best Standby Generator
Are you sold on how standby generators can add value to your everyday life? Here are some tips to help you find the best standby generator to fit your needs.
Generator Size
You can get the largest standby generator on the market and call it good. The problem with that approach is you’re going to spend much more than you need to.
You’ll want to go through your house and determine what your most important power needs are during an outage. It’s easy to overlook some things that you don’t think about, like a security system. That will need to go on your list.
You can take the “partial-house approach,” which prioritizes the most important items like your furnace, refrigerator, stove, lights, select outlets, and garage door.
The generator will be sized according to these needs to make sure your minimum power needs are being met so you can comfortably get through the power outage.
You’ll see different sizes of standby generators out on the market. The sizes are marked in kilowatts. You have to take the wattage of your power needs, whether you’re doing your entire home or partial home.
The other thing to look for is the size of the ATS. The ATS is the automatic transfer switch, which tells the generator when to power on and off. If you have a 200-amp circuit breaker panel, you’ll need a 200-amp ATS.
This is where the expertise of an electrician is necessary. You’ll want to get them involved early in the process to make sure you get the right generator.
The Noise Factor
The one common complaint about portable generators is that they’re loud. Standby generators can be rated loud as well. Your town may have noise ordinances that you can violate by getting the wrong generator.
Building Codes
On top of noise ordinances, you have to consider building codes. They will dictate where your generator can be placed. In a cramped neighborhood, you may have to get creative with your installation.
Most building ordinances have codes that tell you how far flammable tanks can be from any building.
Finding the Best Brand and Dealer
Now that you know your basic needs, it’s time to go shopping. You’ll find a number of generator dealers online. You want to work with a dealer that can guide you in making the right purchase for your needs.
They’ll be available to answer questions and help you maintain the generator. You also want to make sure that they sell the top brands, like at krugerpower.com.au.
Standby Generators for Your Home
It’s getting more difficult to maintain our way of life. There are storms and effects of climate change that have a direct impact on our electrical utilities. Plus, the infrastructure is old, leaving it at risk of being shut down by a cyberattack.
You can get a standby generator to turn on moments after the power goes out. You can find the best standby generator by evaluating your needs and working with one of the top generator dealers.
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