A lot of people have experienced virtual reality, but not many dwell on the prosperous business side of that. Does your marketer know how to monetize VR? Thinking of media and entertainment business models, there are three main of them:…
Anton Zaitsev
1 Articles0 CommentsAnton Zaitsev, Avatarico CEO, AR / VR developer. His company was the first to develop a VR escape game for location-based entertainment. He has been dealing with VR technology for more than 6 years. He likes to share his experience in that sphere providing some useful tips for VR business success. He is always ready to help with any questions related to VR technology. You can contact him at zaitsev@avatarico.com.
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The Best Games for Handheld Computers
When thinking of handheld gaming machines, many recall the glory days of the PlayStation Portable…
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