Today marks the next patch to address game balance and difficulty in order to make the PVE and PVP content of Bless Online more engaging, difficult, and rewarding. LAst week, our first patch swung the nerf hammer a bit too far in one direction. Today’s patch swings it back the other way, removing some of that foam from the player’s weapons.
Mainly, what did we do?
- Reduced the defense ability (HP or defense) of field monsters and low level dungeons.
- Increased Chain Bonus
- Adjusted some classes’ skill effects
This should make things easier than they were after the last patch, but not so face-rollingly easy as it was before the nerf. We’re finding that ideal balance of difficulty and fun, and we’re going to keep working at it as swiftly and as openly as possible. This is why we chose Early Access for our Steam launch, after all, and we hope the players have been pleased with the speed at which we’re listening to their feedback.
More updates from the Team are on the way, with changes to the way combos are cancelled or ended based on hit/miss, and an update to where things stand with the Action Combat targeting control mode.
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