With televisions, smartphones, gaming devices, and laptops, people can’t seem to get away from a screen. This especially counts for adults who make a living out of video games, whether through Twitch or other platforms.
But how much screen time is healthy for adults? How long can you play or stream live before it’s time to quit and rest?
Wonder no longer because we’re going to dive right into the mystery. Let’s start by discussing how much time people spend in front of a screen today:
Average Screen Time
Studies show people in 2019 spend an average of 12 hours in front of a screen. This could be in front of a TV, a gaming device, a phone, or a laptop. It could be screen time from a combination of all these devices.
That’s roughly five times more than the screen time adults spent 50 years ago!
Is 12 hours a day too much? How much screen time is healthy for adults and how do you tell you’re going too far?
How Much Screen Time is Healthy for Adults?
Unfortunately, there’s no scientific recommendation. There’s no definitive study to tell adults how much screen time is too much.
The good news is you can still gauge your limits. If people spend an average of 12 hours in front of a screen, try to time yourself and see if you can reduce this. If you’re a serious gamer, allocate 4 hours solely for gaming.
12 hours is already half a day.
You still need to allocate 6-8 hours for sleep. This means you only get 4-6 hours away from a screen. Try to space it out by reducing screen time to only 8 hours.
This does require cutting down screen time on other devices, like your television, laptop, or phone.
Signs You’re Going Too Far
How do you know you’re spending too much time in front of a screen?
The first step is to time yourself. This can get tricky, especially if you have a lot of devices. You can work backward, however: check how long you slept and count the hours you spent away from a screen.
If you’re getting less sleep, suffering from mood swings, or starting to feel unfit and unhealthy then you’re probably gaming too much. It’s time to spend a few extra hours away from a screen and do physical activities or follow a healthier schedule.
Tips for Safer Screen Time
If you have to spend a lot of time in front of a screen, like for streaming on Twitch, then practice a few safety tips.
Make it a point to take a break every thirty minutes. If you’re streaming, you can spend 15 minutes talking to your audience without staring directly at your monitor.
Use better lighting for streaming too. Blue lights can disrupt sleep and harm your eyes so get different kinds of warm lights to relax your eyes.
Also, don’t forget to exercise! Take a break from gaming or your phone and spend time walking, even for only 10 minutes at a time.
Stick to a Healthy Schedule!
How much screen time is healthy for adults? Going beyond 12 hours is not recommended. If possible, try to cut screen time down to 6-8 hours, even if you’re a regular game streamer.
That said, managing screen time is only the beginning when it comes to boosting your gaming experience. If you’re looking for more tips, don’t hesitate to go through our other guides today!
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