League of Legends Patch 8.4: What You Need to Know
League of Legends patch 8.4 promises to be the biggest and most game-defining update yet. In fact, it’s such a major overhaul that you might be shocked by the sheer magnitude of the changes it’s set to bring. Here’s a look at the main changes to LoL—the ones you need to know about—coming in patch 8.4.
AP Items Get Reworked
First things first! Let’s tackle the issue of the most significant change brought about by patch8.4: The reworking of Ability Power items. And by rework, I mean an overhaul ofparticularly massive proportions. This should come as no surprise, as things have been getting rather stale in League of Legends as far as AP items are concerned. This change increases the chance for LOL items to showcase the inherent strengths of mages across the board. As a result, mages won’t all end up building the same thing. Perhaps this was Riot’s main goal all along. Whatever the case, this AP overhaul is indeed a welcome change.
Dragon Master Swain Makes a Grand Entrance
Now, before we delve into the changes patch 8.4 makes to existing characters you know so well, let’s first take a look at the introduction of anticipated characters. The latest LoL patch finally unveils Dragon Master Swain. The fact that hardcore Summoners have been waiting for him for years (Reworking the old Swain takes time, after all) should make this particular patch a memorable one. The catch, however, is that this fine looking skin will cost you 11350 RP.
Zoe’s Power Gets Reduced
Time for some familiar characters! Constant leveling up is one of the key components of every MMO. Good games, after all, get harder with each progression. But what happens if one of your characters proves far too strong right from the get-go? That is the main predicament of Riot in regard to their character Zoe. That’s why, in this patch of LoL, Zoe gets nerfed. Andrei “Meddler” Van Roon (Riot Games Lead Developer), however, announced that they plan to build her up slowly. Expect Zoe to regain her stature.
Elder Dragon and Baron Both Level Up
While Zoe got the short end of the stick in Riot’s quest for fair character leveling, the same can’t be said about Elder Dragon and Baron, as both will see significant power increases in this patch. Riot is buffing Elder Dragon with increased strength along with a shortened respawn timer of 8, while Baron is getting flat AP stat boosts alongside improved minions. It’s safe to say that Elder Dragon and Baron are getting late game enhancements with path 8.4.
Old Rengar Makes a Triumphant Return via His Champion Revert
Lastly, we tackle the topic of old favorites, as Rengar makes a much-anticipated return to form in patch 8.4. To be honest, his comeback could have been a tad bit better. However,Riot will be bringing a majority of Rengar’s old kit back, which is certainly pleasant news.
From mage itemizations to full-on character restructuring, the LoL patch 8.4 is set to improve the game’s playability and give Summoners more choices. Stay posted for updates on this patch as well as ones to come.
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