Mundaun from Hidden Fields, a one-man studio founded by Swiss programmer and illustrator Michel Ziegler, and publisher MWM Interactive, is now available worldwide for Nintendo Switch. Featuring lovingly hand-pencilled elements sketched out by Ziegler, Mundaun tells the story of a young man who travels to a dark, secluded valley of the Swiss Alps to uncover the mystery of his grandfather’s death and face off with a malevolent entity that resides there. Mundaun is the first full-length game from Ziegler and was praised by players and critics alike for its artistry and unnerving approach to horror following its release on PC, PlayStation and Xbox consoles earlier this year.
Mundaun is now available for $19.99 USD / 19.99€ / £17.99 on the Nintendo eShop. To learn more about the game visit the game’s official website
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