In one of the largest updates for Planet Zoo since launch, Frontier has now set live Update 1.0.3, which contains over 400 fixes and updates. There’s a brief overview below and a link to the forum post with more details.
Added a series of new options to customise your play –
- Power usage
- Water treatment
- Fence degradation
- Predation/fear
- Death by old age
- Staff happiness degradation
- Staff energy degradation
- Animal welfare needs
- Maximise guest happiness
- Freeze guest needs
Guest limit setting now added to sandbox and challenge mode too.
Unlocked assets in scenarios when they are loaded in sandbox and challenge mode.
Fixed issue with assets grouped with guest entrances not being able to be deleted.
Balanced water treatment facilities. They should now clean dirty water more effectively.
Fixed animals being able to be dehydrated whilst swimming.
Fixed bug when cancelling an animal move from the vet surgery which could cause the animal to become stuck.
Fixed bug whereby small animals navigating over scenery could end up inside it.
Fixed issue where animals could become stuck in vet surgery when player cancels moving them whilst they are receiving treatment.
Balanced exhibit animal defecation rates.
Various animation fixes and polish.
Fixed issue when entering and exiting Ansel whilst in orbit camera the camera could relocate to a distant point.
Further crash and stability fixes.
Fixed crash on frontend.