Omeda Studios, a community-driven studio creator of the MOBA-Hero Shooter PREDECESSOR, a continuation of Paragon (originally developed by Epic Games) , announced today that the official launch of the Predecessor Closed Beta Test on PlayStation will be accompanied by a fiery new playable Hero: the duo of Iggy & Scorch.
Starting today, all players who have registered on the official Closed Beta page will receive a code to their email addresses and will be able to download the game and access the PlayStation Closed Beta right away. Predecessor supports cross-platform gameplay, so PlayStation 4 & 5 gamers will be able to play with each other, as well as with Predecessor’s robust PC community. Although the Beta requires registration, it is open to and completely free for anyone who completes the simple form on the official Closed Beta page, and codes will be distributed as quickly as possible to new registrations throughout the beta test.
Predecessor Playstation Closed Beta Announce Trailer
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