Scarlet Nexus is a fun action role-playing game from Bandai Namco. The story is told through the shoes of our two protagonists, Yuito Sumeragi or Kasane Randall. They are members of the Other Suppression Force (OSF), and they both have Psychokinesis powers, so they can control items around them. It is best to play and finish both of their perspectives to know the full story and fill the gaps where possible.
The game has garnered very good reviews from critics for its combat system. With that in mind, the combat system can be pretty overwhelming at the start as it throws you so many concepts and strategies that you can use while fighting the Others, the enemies in the game.
With that said, if you’re interested in getting the game on PlayStation, make sure to equip yourself with some PlayStation Gift Cards from OffGamers for the ride.
In this article, we will give you tips and tricks on how you can maximize your experience in Scarlet Nexus.
Master The Controls
The combat system in Scarlet Nexus is really deep, and it basically means you have to remember all the controls and the combination needed so you can bring down foes easily.
You can perform your normal and strong attacks easily, but you can also mix it with Psychokinesis Follow-up Attacks to deal a massive blow of damage. On the other hand, if you start your attack with Psychokinesis, you can do a Rush Follow-Up Attack instead, and then start your unrelenting combo. These follow-up attacks are integral in winning your battles and you are encouraged to perform them. Once you master them, you can do these attacks consecutively.
You can also dodge in this game, and there is a feature called Perfect Dodge, which happens when you perfectly avoid your opponent’s attack, then they will be opened for a counterattack. It will also grant you temporary invulnerability.
Familiarize Yourself With The Struggle Arms System (SAS)
Struggle Arms System or SAS is a brain-to-brain connection in the game that allows the protagonists to use their comrades’ powers in battle. This one is an extension of our advice above since you also have to master the controls on this one to maximize your damage output on your enemies. In short, you can utilize SAS by using your allies’ power to amplify your combos and deal more damage.
Be mindful though as SAS is limited during battle, meaning it will deplete when being used, and it will recover when it is not being used.
As you progress in the game, you will gain more allies, and thus, you will have more SAS to choose from. Each member of your team will improve their SAS with you as you bond with them throughout the game. Once you unlock the Concurrent SAS Activation Skill, you can activate two SAS at once, which makes the gameplay and its combat deeper. It is fun to experiment with which combination of SAS would be great to use in battle.
The Power of Bonds and Friendships
Cliche as it sounds, Scarlet Nexus has a buddy system, and it is actually very helpful! As mentioned earlier, Struggle Arm System or SAS is one way to make you more powerful in combat, especially when used properly.
Bonding with your teammates individually by doing the Bond Episodes will not only give you more information about your teammate thru dialogues but also improves their SAS abilities. You hit two birds with one stone in this one, so it is always a win/win situation for you.
Always check your Brain Messages and see if you need to reply to someone, and that will usually kickstart the Bond Episode. You may also give your teammates gifts, if possible, as it could help increase your bond.
Manual Save A Lot
If you find this guy wearing yellow clothes, it means you can save your game manually. You can also buy items from him, but that is another topic.
It is a good idea to save your game since you can always go back to your manual save if you are defeated in battle. Moreover, your party is healed just by saving, which is lifesaving if you are playing on a higher difficulty and you find yourself having issues with your Light Jellies supply.
Exchange Items Instead
Do not spend your hard-earned money or sell items that you’ve found in your missions at the shop. It is best to use the Exchange feature of the shop once it is available since you can get all the items you want there without spending anything. Just exchange your items for better ones instead.
Another good piece of advice is to not exchange for accessories as they are for cosmetics only. It is best to use the exchange to get better gears for your team.
Skip The Side Quests
One of the gripes of several critics is the boring side quests, which is true. It is either a quest about fetching an item or a quest about killing a monster. Both types of side quests are tedious, and the rewards are not really that “rewarding”.
It is better to skip the side quest altogether and just focus on the main story and bond episodes since you will be rewarded much more on those. Although, if you find a side quest and the rewards may be worth something to you, then do not hesitate and finish it quickly.
Brain Crush Attack!
Finally, our last tip for you is to utilize the Brain Crush Attacks. These attacks are lethal, fun to watch, and will instantly kill an enemy. To pull this off, you have to deplete the enemy’s Crush bar by constantly attacking them with relentless follow-up attacks until it reaches zero.
Once it is zero, you can click the Brain Crush Attack button (depends on your button mapping) to perform it. The protagonist will do some cool moves before finishing off the enemies. Additionally, enemies will always drop an item when you do a Brain Crush Attack.
These are our tips and tricks for you! We hope you can find these tips helpful, especially when you are starting out in the game.
Scarlet Nexus can be overwhelming especially when they throw you gameplay feature after gameplay feature in the first hour of the game. However, once you get a hang of it, it is a very exciting game to play with so much depth in its combat system.
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