Pearl Abyss has announced a brand new team-based mode for Shadow Arena for their free to play Hero Action Battle Royale game that is currently in early access on Steam. Trio mode is a free content update that pits two teams of three in an arena where they will battle for survival and ultimate glory.
Throughout the battle killed players can be revived through either an automatic revival system or with the help from team members with the latter being the faster option. If all players are killed, that team will automatically lose the round and the other team will win.
Another unique way of winning a round in Trio mode is by Ascension. Fifteen minutes into the battle, the Relic of Ascension will appear in the center of the field. If one of the players is able to ascend their hero, their team wins the match. This is a relatively slow process and players will be susceptible to enemy attack and players will need to be skillful to defend themselves. Ascension can be sped up if all team members have captured the Relic of Ascension.
Teams can gain buffs by destroying Blackstar fragments that randomly spawn on the battlefield. The buff grants players additional defensive and offensive powers and is crucial for getting the upper hand in a match.
In Trio mode it is important for teams to select their heroes carefully. Preferably, teams will have heroes with skills that compliment each other. In this mode, strategy and teamwork is more important than ever and teams that are able to execute their plan to perfection will often emerge victoriously.
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