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MotoGP18 launches on Nintendo Switch

Milestone has released MotoGP18 on to the Nintendo Switch for ÂŁ49.99 both in physical and digital versions, so you can race anywhere, at any time, with anyone. If you do not have the Nintendo Switch you can purchase the game on PlayStation…

Banner Saga 2 Review

Banner Saga 2 is the return to the bleak Nordic world from the original. I’d never considered the original game and picked this up on a whim. I’m very glad I did though. Developer Stoic has brought this world of…

The First DLC for Conan Exiles, The Imperial East Pack Now Live

Funcom has announced that The Imperial East Pack, the first DLC for Conan Exiles, is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The DLC can be purchased for $9.99 on all three platforms and introduces a range of new items and building pieces…

Watch 10 Minutes Of ‘Rainbow Skies’ Gameplay

Watch 10 minutes of official gameplay commentary, put together by the developers of Rainbow Skies. Rainbow Skies is a strategy RPG, available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PS Vita. For more details, visit