We love The Elder Scrolls: Legends but to add Morrowind to the mix just makes it even better, coming on the 28th March The Elder Scrolls: Legends – Houses of Morrowind, the next major expansion for this strategic card game,…
Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition Review
This game needs no introduction; it’s possibly the best button smashing, beat ‘em up game ever made and it’s making its first venture onto Next Gen. Xtreme Legends won’t be completely new to those who’ve played Dynasty Warriors 8 on…
Blackguards: Untold Legends DLC Review
“If you enjoyed Blackguards before then now is a great time to get back into it!“ Little more than a month after the release of the main game itself, German indie developers Daedalic Entertainment decided to throw out an expansion…
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