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Ship of Heroes – Engine & CCT Update

Ship of Heroes has upgraded to the latest version of the Unreal 4 Epic Engine, 4.24! For most of 2019 the game has been in version 4.21, which helped the game developers with stability and consistency throughout the year while…

Ship of Heroes Character Creator Tool – Radomizer Video

Ship of Heroes continues to show off elements of their upcoming character creator Beta test, this time giving us a detailed video on how to use their randomizer. The SoH CCT has three main randomizers – for the face and…

Update on the Ship of Heroes CCT Beta

A message from the developers behind the game Ship of Heroes Progress on the CCT continues. We’ve been experimenting with how to solve the dilemma we’ve created…we’re giving players so many choices, so many options, that no other MMO character…

Ship of Heroes Character Creator Beta

Message from the developers behind Ship of Heroes We just finished some testing on the FPS for the CCT Beta map of Apotheosis City, and it looks pretty good. As always, we have a few spots with lower FPS that…

Ship of Heroes Superspeed video

Ship of Heroes introduced a new travel power with their latest video: superspeed. Developers have been able to use flight for over two years in the game, but superspeed is one of the three travel powers that the dev team…

Ship of Heroes Leveling and Training video

Ship of Heroes has put out a new video today — their 28th video, this one covering leveling up and augments. Happy Memorial Day!

Missions Incoming for Ship of Heroes

The Developers behind Ship of Heroes are working on the code for missions, and this reflects their plan for the mechanics of how missions should work. They thought that perhaps they should start describing what they have in mind so…

Ship of Heroes – Post Holiday Video

Ship of Heroes has released its second annual Christmas video highlighting a future holiday event in-game: fighting winter-themed seasonal monsters. Those looking carefully will notice that the flashing presents from the 2017 Christmas video are still in use in this…

New Ship of Heroes Video – Nanite Healing Powerset

On the sixth anniversary of the closure of City of Heroes, the devs at Ship of Heroes are releasing a video that they feel is responsive to both the community’s desire for a new superhero game, and also an example…

Ship of Heroes May Update

From Casey McGeever, CEO of Heroic Games, Inc. (Consultant on the SoH forums) I think the community likes to hear what we’re doing and what is going on, so I thought I should try to make that happen. Here is…