The current state of the gaming industry today is something that the vast majority of the gaming community is appalled by, with most people saying that some of the “innovation” we have experienced in recent years has done nothing but hurt the industry and tank the quality of gaming.
This point of view may have some truth to it; if we take a look retrospectively over the last couple of years, there have been a few major turning points that can almost be directly contributed to the declining quality of video games. However, it’s not all doom and gloom, and there are still a plethora of amazing experiences waiting for you out there if you know where to look.
In this article, we will be talking about the current state of the gaming industry and discussing the events that managed to lead us to the predicament we are in now, as well as telling you a few of the ways you can counteract this recent shift if you would like to take action.
Is The Quality Of Video Games Declining?
The question as to whether or not the quality of video games is declining certainly has some merit. If we take a look at some of the changes that have taken place within the last few years, there has been a mirage of decisions that have changed the gaming industry for the worst.
Perhaps the main culprit for why modern video games seem to be so lacklustre when compared to those of the past is the innovation, introduction and implementation of microtransactions.
Almost everyone can agree that microtransactions are bad for games, and since their implementation in nearly all current video games, other components seem to have been neglected, to the detriment of the gaming experience.
For example, if a company is able to make three times their usual profit by creating a half-finished game with an endless number of microtransactions, then it makes perfect sense for them to do so, and that is exactly what is happening.
The reality of the situation is that Triple-A studios are just businesses, and they are always going to do what is the most profitable. So, if they are able to create a game in less time, for less money, while at the same time still making more profit than they otherwise would have, you can almost guarantee that they proceed to do so.
There Has Never Been a Better Time To Explore
Even though the mainstream avenue of gaming has become somewhat disappointing in the past few years, that’s not to say that there aren’t still amazing experiences waiting for you out there. In fact, there has never been a better time to try something new.
There are a plethora of other routes you can go down when it comes to gaming, most of which are completely unexplored by people who only stick to games made by the most popular gaming studios. Why not take a look at a list of the most popular online casinos and see if you have what it takes to reach the top; alternatively, you could opt to try out some indie games made by lesser-known but equally creative game studios.
Both of the examples we gave above are but a few of the endless examples you could try, and the possibilities really are limitless.
How We Can Take Action
Now that we have covered why the gaming industry is going downhill as well as what you can do in its place, we can now discuss our options when it comes to how we can take action.
Of course, making your voice heard is extremely important, and the more people who express their feelings towards the current state of the gaming industry the better. However, even though making your voice known is important, it isn’t going to make any difference at all if all the big developers are still making a profit through microtransactions.
Luckily, there is one thing you can do, and that is to simply stop buying and playing games that rely heavily on microtransactions. It’s no secret that battle passes are getting boring, and now that Fortnite has passed its peak, the gaming industry is in the perfect position for change. This change can go ahead if we as a community just simply start avoiding games that focus most of their resources on microtransactions and instead, start rewarding and praising any games that actually make an effort to give the user an unforgettable experience for all the right reasons.
In reality, this is the only way that the gaming industry’s current stance would be able to be shifted, and big companies are only going to truly start to take action and change if their profit is affected.
However, this process is much easier said than done, and it would take a lot of effort and organisation from the gaming community as a whole to actually reap the rewards of this movement.
All-in-all, the fact that the gaming industry is becoming more and more demonised by the community that is supposed to support them the most is terrible. That’s not to say that said people are not in the right for doing so, and as you can tell from all the points we have mentioned throughout this article, the gaming industry has a lot of work to do if it wants to win back the respect of its customers.
Luckily for us, it is not likely that the current mode of operation used by gaming companies is going to last for too much longer, as more and more people are beginning to speak out about how tired they are about the whole ordeal. Although, in the meantime, you might as well take this time to explore other avenues within gaming that you may not have tried before. Things like online casinos, indie games, and flash games may not be as popular as the triple-A studios that we have all become accustomed to, but that’s not to say that they aren’t worth giving a shot.
Have fun.
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