All young people love playing games, and there is a good reason for it: you study hard all day long, and you need to get rid of constant pressure and stress relaxing with your friends and favourite characters on PS4. While playing games not really helps with papers, many students hire professional agencies that write essays for money and can free up for you some time to relax. While a college homework helper does the entire job for you, you can enjoy the deserved rest and check out new games coming up in 2020: for example, the new part of The Last of Us that has been recently released (almost five years after the first part). Attention: in this article, we will be giving a lot of spoilers, so make sure you are ready to discover all unexpected deaths of the main characters before you play.
Top characters going to die in this part
The Last of Us is a great adventure game that describes post-apocalyptic America: the lives of the people intertwine, and they need to cooperate to survive in this new world. However, not all of them are going to make it to the end. With some delays due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the game was finally released this June and was acclaimed for its characters, the overall gameplay, great visual effects, and original performances. The producer of the Naughty Dog (the company that developed a game) promised gamers that it would be quite challenging compared to the first version with unusual experiences and unexpected deaths.
The game will provide you with a lot of surprises, including not a happy ending, so if you are not ready to read spoilers, you should stop right here. If you remember, the first part begins with a death that shocked all players – Joel has to accept the death of his daughter right after everything started. In fact, death has been a key element throughout the entire game series, so in the second part, you should expect things being taken to the following level. Are you ready to know what key characters were killed off by game developers?
If you are, let`s discuss all the main deaths in the game:
1. Shimmer
This is not actually a tragic death, but if we count all of them, we need to mention this one as well. Ellie`s horse, named Shimmer, died when Ellie and Dina were in another city. The horse was first hurt by an explosion and then shot by Wolves;
2. Joel
During the first couple of hours you start playing a game, Joel, one of the key characters from the first game`s part, is killed with…surprise-surprise… Abby`s hands, and he dies in a terribly weird way. Why? With the plot going, you will discover that Joel murdered Abby`s dad (the doctor who was going to manage the operation of Ellie in the first part), and Abby took revenge. After Joel and Tommy saved Abby from a crowd of infected people and a heavy snowstorm, her friends kept Joel down, the girl used a golf club to beat him to death;
3. Jordan
This character is one of Abby`s friends who helped not to let Joel go. He was once hurt by Ellie`s knife when leaving Jackson, and after he captured her with other WLF members, she managed to stick a piece of glass in his neck. She killed Jordan and saved her friend Dina;
4. Nora
This girl is a nurse whom Ellie found in a hospital in Seattle. Ellie follows her in the building, and they end up in the spore-ridden zone, so Nora gets affected by a virus. Ellie hurts her trying to get information about where Abby is, and then Nora dies. We don`t know whether it was a virus or Ellie that killed her;
5. Owen and Mel
Ellie steps up against both of them, and when Owen makes an attempt to get her gun, she kicks him into the face and then shoots. While Owen is bleeding out, Mel tries to beat Ellie using a knife, but Ellie pins her to the ground and stabs the girl. Owen at his last breath tells Ellie that the killed girl was pregnant;
6. Yara
Trying to save her sibling Lev, she has her arm amputated for breaking the religious rules. Then the girl gets shot by the Wolves;
7. Jesse and Dina
Dina and her boyfriend Jesse try to confront Abby, but she manages to shoot him. When Ellie discovers that Dina is pregnant, she leaves her behind, and later Abby finds the girl. Dina is saved only due to Lev`s intervention;
8. Manny
He is one of Abby`s good friends who helped to spit Joel`s corpse. Even though Ellie could have got revenge on him, he dies earlier by getting shot in the head by Joel`s brother Tommy. He is terribly shot through his eye;
9 Isaac
The leader of the Wolves, he tries to kill Lev, but hardly alive, Yara manages to shoot Isaac in the back. However, his death isn`t 100% confirmed.
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