Apple TV+ unveiled the official trailer for “Tiny World,” a captivating, new Apple Original docuseries, narrated and executive produced by Paul Rudd. The first six episodes of the 12-part series will premiere globally on October 2, 2020. The second half will follow in 2021.
“Tiny World” gives viewers a unique perspective into the natural world, illuminating the ingenuity and resilience of some of the planet’s smallest creatures. With over 200 species filmed, each episode combines stunning cinematography with dynamic storytelling to show the world through the eyes of the tiniest animals and witness the extraordinary things they do to survive. Nearly a decade of filming in ecosystems around the world – ranging from the African savanna to the backyard garden – reveals never-before-seen moments captured by the latest in groundbreaking video technology.
“Tiny World” is produced by Plimsoll Productions, and written and executive produced by Tom Hugh-Jones. Dr. Martha Holmes and Grant Mansfield also serve as executive producers on behalf of Plimsoll Productions.
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