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Phil Dean
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Howdy! 24 years old, graduated from Sunderland University in 2011 with a degree in TV and Radio Production, and to get it I just had to present and produce radio shows and write scripts. I did really well, I went to New York to pick up a swanky international award, but still I'm trapped in my hometown yet to start my career, but it's not all bad really, I'm getting married in the near future so that's pretty awesome :) Working at the moment as a kid's activity and sport coach at a top Gym & Spa complex. As well as having a great joy in playing video games, I am also a huge wrestling nut, even went to New Orleans for Wrestlemania 30, I even bumped into Rob Van Dam and Hacksaw Jim Duggen on Bourbon Street coming out of a Gentleman's Club together, what a weekend! Also if anyone lives in the North West, make sure you head to Preston once a month, PCW is the greatest wrestling promotion in the UK! Finally, I'm an aspiring children's author! Currently I have penned 12 original poems and 3 original stories and I hope to have the first of many books published soon, watch this space! Favourite game of all time: Dragon Quest VIII - Journey Of The Cursed King (PS2, 2006)

MVP Carbon EA Sports Headset Review

I am an antisocial sod, always have been and if I work at it I’ll remain an antisocial sod till the day I die. This doesn’t mean I’m a friendless, miserable git, it just means I appreciate my own company…

LittleBigPlanet 3 Review

Slandering newspapers, clueless TV personalities and angry parents will often form an alliance when a video game makes the headlines and us humble gamers are criticised as being violent, braindead ‘yoofs’. All video games are violent these days and apparantly…

Disney’s Planes: Fire & Rescue Review

As an avid fan of video games and cinema, its common knowledge that movies based on our favourite gaming franchises are 98% guaranteed to suck ass and ruin what was once a spectacular tale for yourself, your friends and your…

Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

The human race believes we are now currently at the height of technological advancement, everything we produce now is ‘smart’ and you can’t go anywhere without connecting to the internet or telling the whole population your current location. Outside of…

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – The Cynic’s Review

To word it honestly, I dislike the Call of Duty franchise. Every year it graces our shelves and invades are TVs hyping up to be the biggest and greatest game currently on this Earth, and every year it’s just a…

Just Dance 2015 Review

Before 2009, sleepovers, social gatherings and house parties were dark, dismal and bleak. Sure, when the drinks were flowing and the snacks were being passed round, we thought we were having fun, oh how we laughed and we appeared to…

Tiny Troopers Joint Ops Review

Ever since Call of Duty was unleashed into the hands of every 12 year old in the nation, kids have been under the illusion that they could handle themselves in battle. They may well be endlessly revising and researching from…

Pix The Cat Review

Believe it or not, there once was a time where children knew what true mobile gaming was. Before they were crushing candy, flapping birds and temple running, children everywhere stacked blocks, helped rescue princesses and my personal favourite, controlling a…

Skylanders Trap Team Review

Every generation of childhood has had it’s own flavours of trendy fads and unfortunate cash cows for disapproving parents, who are bankrupting themselves to keep their children happy and up to date. Growing up in the 90s my parents had…

Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed Review

All the greatest vampire hunters throughout history each took a different approach to slaying the undead, whether it be via silver stake, garlic pepper spray or a very sharp axe. Decades of cinema has taught us that the best way…