Previews | Invision Game Community


Valorant: What We Know So Far

Over the past year, Riot Games seem to be determined to prove that they’re no one-trick pony, with multiple games seeing release. Although none of these games are MOBAs, until recently, most of them have been tie-in products to their…

Factorio Preview – 4 Years and 333 hours of play later

It’s been almost 4 years since I wrote my initial preview on Factorio and since then it has seen a wide range of updates, fixes and polish. With the recent version coming up to 0.18.14, from version 0.12.30~ of when…

Stoneshard Preview

Stoneshard is a challenging, open-world, turn-based RPG developed by Ink Stains Games whose only other work on Steam is “12 is Better Than 6”. Set as a combination of old school games like Diablo and Adam to more modern games…

Agents: Biohunters Preview

What do you get when you cross Fortnite, Overwatch and a splash of Monster Hunter into one game? Any ideas? Well, I’ll tell you, you get Agents: Biohunters. This up and coming game is currently in closed beta and I…

Starsector Early Preview

Starsector (formerly “Starfarer”) is a new open-world single-player space-combat, roleplaying, exploration, and economic game. In the vein of old games like Freelancer in 2000 or a combination of titles like Eve and Stellaris, Starsector has you traverse a large collection…

Disintegration Closed BETA First Impressions

Games have taken many forms, embraced many genres, re-invented and re-innovated gaming as a whole. And Disintegration, the new sci-fi first-person shooter from Halo co-creator Marcus Lehto’s studio V1 Interactive and Private Division is somewhere in the middle of innovation…

Chernobylite Preview

After the hit drama miniseries, Chernobyl came out early this year, my interest in the massive disaster was at its peak with me doing research, watching loads of videos and even a documentary or two. From this, I came across…

How Code Vein separates itself to Dark Souls

Dark Souls is easily one of the most well-known titles for its difficulty curve and challenging boss fights that is borderline frustrating and somewhat chemically rage-inducing. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that there are quite a few developers…

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Beta First Impressions

Personally, I feel that it has been a long time since I have enjoyed a Call of Duty game. My time playing the original Modern Warfare series was the pinacol for me when it came to gameplay and pure fun.…

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a showcase of Ubisoft’s best mechanics

“Taking on a mission in Breakpoint quickly demonstrates the game’s amalgamation of Ubisoft’s best bits, whilst keeping the experience quintessentially Ghost Recon.” If there is one thing that the latest Ghost Recon Breakpoint beta revealed, it was that Ubisoft knows…