Leiting Games have announced that their upcoming narratively-driven zombie survival mobile title Fury Survivor: Pixel Z will be releasing on June 5. Recently Leiting Games launched the highly successful pre-registration for Fury Survivor which quickly racked up over one million sign-ups within the first two weeks of its opening.
Following a survivor of the apocalypse separated from his family, players in Fury Survivor will face emotional and survival obstacles as they venture through a world wrought with throngs of enemies and rich with RPG elements. In order to have any hope of survival and reuniting with their family, players will have to scavenge for supplies and learn various crafts to aid them as they attempt to navigate through the trap and enemy-ridden world. Players will encounter characters throughout their survival journey and hear their stories as well as construct their own sustainable retreat to provide some well-needed respite.
Fury Survivor features stylized pixel-art graphics which are fantastically flung across player’s screens as they engage in classic hack n’ slash combat with gory death animations befitting of traditional zombie survival titles. Players will face a variety of zombified enemies and will slash and loot their way through a vast world, spanning cities, forests and the ever pulse raising graveyards. Supplies and weapons aren’t the only things players can expect to find in Fury Survivor as the game also has some well-placed nods to zombie survival classics in the form of easter eggs.
Pre-registration for Fury Survivor is open now until June 4 and will give players a jump start on their chances of survival by rewarding players with additional supplies. Players can pre-register for Fury Survivor by visiting the App Store, Google Play, or the official site. Fury Survivor: Pixel Z will be available on June 5 for iOS and Android platforms.
A list of features includes:
- Fight off throngs of zombies in bloody hack n’ slash fashion
- Fight for survival as you search for your family in a gripping story-driven game
- Collect various weapons and gear
- Navigate through traps and a variety of undead enemies
- Scavenge for food, water, and supplies
- Learn a variety of crafts
- Create your own sustainable refuge
- Interact with other survivors
- Stylized pixel art graphics
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