A Sea of Possibilities – Stormworks: Build And Rescue Hits Early Access Today, Adds 4-Player Co-op Mode
Ever wanted to design your own craft, take it out into the ocean, and become a search and rescue hero?
Stormworks: Build And Rescue is a unique proposition: it’s an open world equipped with a toolset that enables players to put together the most amazing creations within a world perfect for exploration, but it’s also a universe where you’re charged with protecting people, rather than destroying them.
After triggering scores of YouTube videos and Twitch streams with earlier alpha and beta builds, Green Man Gaming Publishing is proud to announce Stormworks: Build And Rescue is now available on Steam Early Access, launching today with a brand new mode designed both to reward existing players and welcome new ones with something fresh to boot.
The open world adventure, which sees you plan and strategise rescue missions using craft for both sea and air that you’ve designed and crafted with your own hands, hits Early Access with a brand new four-player co-op mode, enabling players to enjoy all the same features included in single player but with all the benefits of a team working together, pooling their creativity to make the most of the playground under their feet.
“It’s been amazing watching the Stormworks: Build And Rescue community create some amazing contraptions, but now it’s time to open it out to an even bigger audience,” says Dan Walters, CEO of Sunfire Studios. “Not just that, but the new four-player co-op mode will open out play to existing players, too. I genuinely cannot wait to see what people working together will come up with.”
In Stormworks: Build And Rescue, players’ designs will be tested to the limit in a physics driven sandbox simulation, where the vehicle’s performance in a rescue is directly linked to its design. Each mission calls for an emergency response for scenarios across the open ocean, island facilities, rigs, and more, with the game’s dynamic weather system and day-night cycle ensuring one rescue is never quite like any other. The game’s world is alive with AI characters and vehicles, as well as birds, sealife, underwater plants and rock structures.
“Stormworks: Build And Rescue has really come together for this Early Access release, but this is by no means the end of the updates,” continues Dan. “We’re going to continue to add to this world to enable those playing it to be even more creative and even more daring with their rescues in the months ahead.”
Stormworks: Build And Rescue is available on Steam Early Access for $14.99 / £10.99 / €14.99 now.
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