Secret Agent Clank is a game that is built around the character of James Bond, known as Secret Agent Clank from ‘Up Your Arsenal’ This game seems like a scene or episode of the movie, but one can only wonder whether the setting and character are important enough to make it famous. Let’s find out.
The Storyline
Secret Agent Clank PSP is on a mission to thwart an attempted robbery at a museum but before he arrives, the robbery was already done, and all fingers turn to Ratchet, his best friend. Although Ratchet is sent to jail, Clank knows he couldn’t be responsible, so he goes in search of the real criminal.
The game has the usual fixtures of bond movies like the poker game, crime syndicates, a wealthy baroness, and the evil twins.
Interestingly, you’ll also need to play the role of Ratchet in prison who has an unpleasant time in jail.
In an interesting tweak, you’ll meet a comical third addition, Captain Qwark who takes credit for all the work clank does as he follows him around and dictates a biography to a robot. There’ll be several giant robot ninjas as well and some humored renditions.
The Review
- Graphics
Comparing Special Agent Clank to other previous PSP games like God of war, Crisis core, and the very recent Size matters, the graphics of the current game doesn’t meet the standard set by the previous ones. The technicalities weren’t as smooth, and although well-designed, the characters didn’t look very cleaned up.
The environment also looked quite dull, which can be attributed to the fact that the game keeps the colors of objects and backgrounds to just one or two.
Regardless, SAC has graphics that supersedes that of other PSP games, which is admirable. There are enough effects like water, fire, explosions, laser blasts, and the like to keep the game interesting.
Apart from a few dips, the framerate remains solid.
- Audio
The game features solid voicing for all its characters, which is amazing. However, the fact that Clank has to make one semi-comical comment or the other every time something happens might be a little unnecessary or out of place.
- Gameplay and Controls
Agent Clank has stealth as a major part of his repertoire and he gets bonus bolts for stealth takedowns rather than direct attacks. Clank also has a holo-monocle with which he can create a hologram of an enemy around himself to avoid detection. However, there will be a problem if Clank is caught.
The more enemies your kill, the longer your life. You can buy new weapons with the bolts you earn for stealth. The final fight is very serious, so you need to have gained weapons before then or you’re sure to lose.
- Originality
Beyond the stealth gameplay, not much else is original. In fact, the weapons are very similar to past ones except for color. The bomb glove and tie-a-rang are as expected.
However, you’ll need to use these items for other things, such as cutting wires overheating machines, and opening locks amongst other things. So, old tools, new purposes basically.
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