Finally we get to play Battlefield 3 developed by DICE and published by Electronic Arts, acclaimed for many awards including best action game and multiplayer at E3 Expo 2011 and Best game of Gamescom 2011.The developers have used the new graphics engine “Frostbite 2” which takes scale, destruction and immersion to levels never seen before in a game.
Battlefield returns with an authentic single player campaign as well as co-op missions, the game wouldn’t be the same without its multiplayer features. DICE along with Electronic Arts have this time fully integrated the game into the Battlefield 3 Battlelog website, (Battlelog is an online website that allows you to launch the game, compare stats and challenge rivals and much more.)
DICE have done themselves proud with the design and scale of the multiplayer maps, with some maps being able to hold up to 64 players at one time. You can also configure the servers with options like game mode, region lockout, free slots available, pre-set game functions, ranked matches and finally choose the maps you wish to play on. You may also have access to the expansion pack “Back to Karkand” which includes some of the classic and most popular maps from Battlefield 2.
The single player campaign is frankly god dam awesome not what I expected after watching a lot of trailers, which quite frankly made out that Battlefield 3, to be a romp through the Middle East type of game. Frankly the trailers did this game no justice apart from showing the players how good their new graphics engine was.
The game contains so much action trying to pay attention to the story plot can be rather difficult, however you don’t really care when you are ducking and diving bullets and other arsenal being slung at you. The main story revolves around a terror plot and of course you need to stop it, this see’s you trekking around the world which can last up to, or more than, 8hrs of gameplay. Battlefield 3 may not rival its competitors with its story line; however this has to be DICE’s best attempt so far. I would differently say play the single player mode before stepping in to the multiplayer battlegrounds just to get a good feel for the game.
DICE have made a graphical masterpiece with Battlefield 3, with its big open environments, long distance shoot outs to the other end; claustrophobic dimply lit urban areas. Be ready to experience fantastic weather effects mixed with intense night and day environments all mixed with what Battlefield does well land, air and sea scenarios . Don’t be fooled the new graphic effects are mind blowing from an enemy with a torch mounted on a rifle shining it directly at you, you can guarantee this will temporarily blind you, making it virtually impossible to shoot or even see the enemy.
Now back to talking about the multiplayer as this will most likely be the main place you shall spending a lot of your time. DICE have implemented an upgrade system that forces you to vary you’re playing style to progress through the game. Do not stick to only one class and one weapon as you will soon find you are un-able to unlock any more features. Some situations also force you to choose a different class which can see you being under equipped not so good as this also mean you end up dying more (rather frustrating on times)
Points are gained from what you do in-game, from killing an enemy or doing something unique to your class. Every point gained unlocks upgrades for the weapon and class you are playing. There are a total of four classes in Battlefield 3, Assault, Engineer, Support, Scout; each class offers a unique perspective in your Battlefield 3 experiences.
Assault Class: This one is the medic, they can heal team mates and further down the line after unlocking the ability you will be able to revive your combatants. Assault class uses lightweight gear and rapid fire weaponry and an assortment of other items.
- Engineer Class: This class can repair vehicles but most of all this class holds the reigns of the rocket launcher. If you are using tanks with in the bigger maps you can carry engineers along with you (Bloody Slacker Class)
- Support Class: This class is what I like to call the big arse machine gun dude. This class literally holds the playing field spraying the area with bullets making it almost impossible within a good capture the flag match to get past.
- Scout Class: This class will mostly be the class everyone will want to play the sniper class; yep you guessed it, hide, kill and survive. A rather out balanced class in previous titles, however DICE stats this time around you will need decent snipers for the battlegrounds work, what this means is beyond me.
I shall end my multiplayer speech there as I don’t wish to spoil anything else instead ill move on to the topic; which format should I get PC or Console. Simple answer here, “PC Version” however if your system kind of sucks and does not have decent high end equipment, then don’t even bother buying if for the PC, get the console version instead. If you do have a top end machine, prepare to be blown away; the new technology used within the Architecture of Frostbites 2’s new engine and sound system make this game one of the best war type simulation games on the market even beating the likes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
My Final Verdict
Battlefield 3 bring a fresh new multiplayer experience, with an all new scenario, mind blowing graphics and sound that will just blow your mind with a good system setup. Only fault so far for the PC is the tightly integrated Origin and Battlelog website which is currently causing issues, however after this is solved I believe the integration will be well worth it and bring a whole new level of experience to the fans of the series.
Graphics in Battlefield 3 cannot be faulted; the new engine does exactly what it says on the box, takes scale, destruction and immersion to level never before seen in a game.
The sound in Battlefield 3 really makes you feel part of the virtual world and the sound score they have used really suits the zones that you go to while playing the scenarios.
This has to be the best multiplayer I have ever played in a game and I can tell you I am not a multiplayer type of gamer, however the new 64 players map is just so much fun and the integration of Battlelog and the points system really pushes you to achieve glory.
The single player mode is fantastic, great script and story; you really feel immersed in the game and want to protect your team mates. The AI has to be the best I have seen within a War simulation game for some time. DICE have really gone all out since the other battlefield games kind of did not hit the target when it came to their story plots.
Disclaimer:All scores given within our reviews are based on the artist’s personal opinion; this should in no way impede your decision to purchase the game.
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