Stunlock Studios’ highly anticipated standalone Battlerite spin-off Battlerite Royale is slated to launch on Steam Early Access on September 26 with a $19.99/19.99€ price tag. Pushing the genre’s boundaries beyond the traditional concept, Battlerite Royale is one of the first top-down action MOBA battle royale games released on Steam, and can be played solo or with a friend.
“Our take on the genre differs a lot from the FPS Battle Royale games out there. Battlerite has always been about arcade-like MOBA action, and we want to stay true to the core of it while scaling up the experience and adding new exciting elements,” says Johan Ilves, Marketing Director at Stunlock Studios. “With 20 different classes to pick from, a bird’s eye viewpoint and a unique combat system, we are confident that we will stand out in this crowded market. This is not only the Battle Royale game all MOBA players have been waiting for, it’s a treat for any BR gamer who wants a fresh take on the genre.”
Stunlock Studios today released a community FAQ with more details about the game:
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