Independent developer Atomic Wolf, in collaboration with and publisher Walkabout Games have announced its playable tech-noir graphic novel, Liberated, with a brand new trailer. Liberated launches later this year on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Leap into the frame of a graphic novel, where classic motion comic storytelling transitions into fully playable action sections in a story about technological surveillance squeezing society’s freedom away. Liberated was honoured as a finalist at the 2019 SXSW Gaming Pitch Competition.
“The way technology is being used to aid government control has changed drastically in the 21st century and we wanted to explore the dangers of where it’s seemingly headed,” said Marek Czerniak, Creative Director at Atomic Wolf. “Liberated explores this in a nuanced, pragmatic way, with a stylish blend of motion comics and gameplay that keeps things brisk, stylish, and on the edge of your seat!”
“When we first saw what Liberated was up to we were instantly hooked!” said Robert Purzycki, co-founder of Walkabout. “It’s exploring real issues that we grapple with every day as we wrestle with both the advantages and perils of technology, social media, and the stranglehold corporations have over us. We think it’s one of the most thought-provoking games on the horizon and can’t wait to hear players discuss it!”
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