SQUARE ENIX has revealed the final character introduction trailer for Trials of Mana, the anticipated upcoming entry in the beloved Mana series, showcasing two more of its playable cast of six unique heroes. Hawkeye is a laidback and charming young man hailing from the desert fortress of Nevarl, home to a guild of noble thieves, while Riesz is a young princess from the mountainous kingdom of Laurent and captain of the renowned Amazon guard, with an iron will and kind heart.
To discover more about the cast of heroes players can look forward to in Trials of Mana, visit: https://www.youtube.com/squareenixna.
Trials of Mana will be available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC through Steam on 24th April 2020. To pre-order now, visit https://sqex.link/c10.
Those who pre-purchase or purchase the physical or digital versions of the game by 21st May 2020 for the Nintendo Switch or PlayStation 4 will receive a Rabite Adornment DLC, allowing players to gain more EXP after battles up to level 10. Pre-orders of the digital version of the game from the PlayStation Store will also include an exclusive avatar set featuring the game’s six heroes, while those who pre-purchase or purchase from STEAM by 21st May 2020 will include the Rabite Adornment DLC as well as an exclusive wallpaper set.
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