Riot Games UK has launched a Spirit Blossom manga competition, encouraging fans to share their own one page Manga creation inspired by Kin of the Stained Blade cinematic video as part of the Riot’s first cross-title event – Spirit Blossom 2020.
The competition will run from 3rd August (6PM BST) to 17th August (11:59PM BST), with the winners announced on 24th August (6PM BST). Completed artworks should be shared via Twitter, using @UK_LoL and #SpiritBlossomManga.
Ten winners will be chosen, receiving a selection of Spirit Blossom 2020 in-game prizes in League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics, Spirit Blossom merchandise – a limited edition Spirit Blossom ramen bowl kit, haori and pins, as well as having their artwork featured on @UK_LoL.
First prize also includes a unique opportunity to speak to one of Riot Games’ Lead Concept Artist, Gem Lim, who led the concept art on the Spirit Blossom skins, one-on-one.
The sketch that Gem Lim created that led to the final Fox in Spirit Bonds.
For further information, please check the competition details @UK_LoL official Twitter.
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