Vertigo Games and Vive Studios have launched Skyworld: Kingdom Brawl, an action-packed, real-time multiplayer VR card-battler, uniting a wide cross-platform VR player base in battle across HTC Vive (Pro), Vive Focus, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality. The first DLC pack for the game, adding a range of unique units and new battle arenas for VR brawlers to enjoy, will be available later in Q2 2019.
Skyworld: Kingdom Brawl is now available for HTC Vive (Pro), HTC Vive Focus, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality headsets at an SRP of $9.99/€9.99 with a 15% launch discount available in launch week only. The game is also available in Viveport Infinity from today. A Vive Focus Plus launch will follow later this year.
To stay up to date and for more information, wishlist Skyworld: Kingdom Brawl on Steam, visit the official website
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