Critically acclaimed Korean survival-horror adventure, The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters, arrives on June 19 for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, with Xbox One to be released later in the year. Developed by Devespresso Games and published by Headup, The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters is an atmospheric, story-driven exploration in the shadow world with hand-illustrated manhwa (Korean manga) aesthetics.
- Fear Dark Song’s relentless pursuit to kill you, now with an all-new AI.
- Craft items to prepare for critical life-or-death situations or risk permanent injury.
- Explore the nightmarish district of Sehwa and discover its dark secrets.
- Scavenge resources to survive deadly encounters and afflictions.
- Unlock tools and upgrades to reach previously inaccessible areas.
- Hide to avoid detection and certain death. Pass challenges to conceal your location.
- Featuring vibrant, hand-illustrated in-game visuals and comic strips.
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