Various studies have shown that gaming and surgical skill are intrinsically linked, but how? We’ll be exploring the pros and cons of gaming for surgical training, here…
As a surgeon, it’s important that constant training and application of knowledge are carried out regularly. Resting on one’s laurels will get you nowhere if you want to keep up with the latest surgical procedures and save lives on the daily.
For those who don’t keep up with the latest knowledge and keep their skills in check, surgical negligence may be on the cards. Of course, this is every surgeon’s worst nightmare, so it’s important that remaining in-the-know is paramount.
There are some studies out there that demonstrate that video gaming can be a great way to help train surgeons to be the best at what they do. You might be wondering how this is possible, and this article will explore the pros and cons of this argument. Take a look…
The Stats Behind Gaming and Surgical Skill
Before we dive into the pros and cons of gaming to train surgeons, let’s first take a look at the stats behind it.
According to a medical journal, video game skills correlate with laparoscopic surgical skills. The study demonstrated that past video game experience of over three hours per week correlated with 37 percent fewer errors and 27 percent faster completion of surgeries.
Within the group of people who demonstrated the best video gaming skills, 47 percent made fewer errors, and 39 percent performed faster. It’s posited that this is down to the fact that video games “help thin the technical interface between surgeons and screen-mediated applications, such as laparoscopic surgery”.
The study concluded that video games may be a practical teaching tool to help train surgeons. The question is, why exactly is this, and what are the pros and cons of taking this research on board?
The Pros of Video Gaming to Help Train Surgeons
Now that we’ve seen a study exploring the statistics, let’s look at the pros of using gaming as a tool for surgical training.
Improves Fine Motor Skills
For starters, gaming requires dexterity in the hands to move objects and people around the screen quickly and reactively via the controller. Similarly, surgery requires these fine motor skills to carry out tasks, although these tasks are a matter of life and death. Clearly, there is some link between practicing manual dexterity through gaming to help with surgery.
In fact, according to various studies, gaming can even be used as rehabilitation for people with difficulty mastering their fine motor skills. For example, for those with Cerebral Palsy, video gaming has been linked with improved neuroplasticity. The same logic applies to surgeons, who may be faster at mastering their motor skills through the use of gaming.

Develops Multi-Tasking
Even through using the controller alone, the gamer must be able to multi-task the use of both hands, using the ABXY keys and joystick/arrows together. This skill can be relayed in the surgical field, where both hands are required to work in tandem to achieve the desired goal.
Boosts Precision
All surgeries, particularly laparoscopic surgeries, require the ability to manipulate instruments through an incision or body opening. In many cases, these movements are guided by watching a television screen. Sound familiar?
When it comes to video games, operating small tools to achieve a wider goal through a screen is the aim. This can perhaps be applied to the surgical field, where precision within tasks is paramount.
In fact, a Reuters article has explored this further, and concluded that, “video game skills translated into higher scores on a day-and-half-long surgical skills test, and the correlation was much higher than the surgeon’s length of training or prior experience in laparoscopic surgery”.
This goes to show that, even with many years of training, continued use of the skills required throughout surgery in other walks of life correlate with higher performance.
Encourages Problem Solving and Adaptability
Much like surgery, gaming requires an ability to think on one’s feet depending on various factors and environments. In gaming, each level requires a new strategy to win, and with surgery, problems can arise at any point. Being able to react to these problems quickly and accurately is paramount to saving lives.
The Cons of Video Gaming to Help Train Surgeons
To take an objective look at the question, let’s now discuss some of the various cons related to gaming as surgical training.
Can’t be Relied on
Although it might sound wonderful to all the gamers out there that their gaming prowess might make them a good surgeon, this is not all it takes. It is misleading to believe that one single factor contributes to the ability to be a great surgeon. Instead, there are a multitude of skills and requirements involved, which may simply be improved through the use of gaming ability.
Ultimately, we can’t rely on gaming as a means to “train” surgeons. It should simply be something the surgeons do in their spare time in order to maintain their manual dexterity and problem-solving skills.
Practice Makes Perfect
Following on from this, it’s clear that surgical ability comes down to practice in the field. Susan Hill, vice president of the Royal College of Surgeons, said:
“Although it may be useful for a surgeon to be naturally dexterous, the skills required to operate can be taught. Much of surgical training is about practising skills such as cutting and sewing over and over until they are perfected.”
Relying on gaming alone is a recipe for surgical negligence. It’s important that surgeons understand this, and are equipped to do the work required to do their job perfectly.

Do You Think Gaming is a Good Training Tool for Surgeons?
In this article, we’ve explored some studies that posit that video gaming is a good tool for surgical training. This is down to the correlation between gamers and their surgical speed and precision.
After exploring these stats, we then took a look at the pros and cons of gaming as a tool for surgeons. Although we saw that there is a potential link between video gaming and surgical skill, this does not mean that this is all it takes. Believing this is sure to lead to surgical negligence, so pursuing the proper education and medical training is paramount to be a good surgeon.
The question is, do you think there’s much efficacy behind the studies? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments down below.
Please be advised that this article is for general informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a trained medical professional. Be sure to consult a medical professional if you’re seeking advice about surgical training and improving your surgical skills. We are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.
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