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Gareth Evans
21 Articles0 Comments

A 22-year-old student based in south wales learning the art of game development at the University of South Wales. I’m one of those Jack of All Trades kind of guys, I do videos, podcasts, reviews, sometimes music, board games and I’ve made my home deep within the nerd cave as I’m also an avid role-player! I tend to play pretty much everything and every new game I play lets me learn a little bit more about how games work and hopefully compile that into my work later in life. I try and be very social on the internet so find me on twitter @GazOfAllTrades where I’ll link my reviews and other stuff I do!

GEO Review

Have you ever watched Guardians of the Galaxy and looked at the little mining ships and thought “I want to do that”? Or maybe you played a lot of eve online and got a thrill from mining and not fighting?…