It is a very common situation when you get a call and tell the person on the other side that you are in the middle of something. But even more often, you might not realize what this “something” truly represents. It is not surprising, as we all have several “battles” going at the same time. School, work, relationships, personal growth, and spontaneous to-dos occupy our days. But finally, we go to bed with the majority of errands remaining incomplete.
At some point in our lives, we understand that it can’t continue this way, and this knotted bunch has to be untangled immediately. The ultimate solution is making up a plan; therefore, you will have to create a schedule.
Scheduling is among the best production boosting practices, which has been proven by numerous studies. Also, famous personalities like Benjamin Franklin, Barack Obama, Winston Churchill, Hillary Clinton, and many others are well-known for tightly planning their days. Today, we all know these names for their accomplishments; thus, the scheduling method is, at least, worth trying.
Get your Tasks Done
What is absolutely awesome about planners is that using them, you can split your day into convenient blocks of 30 or 60 minutes (or periods of another duration), which you dedicate to completing a specific task. With this approach, you predetermine the amount of required time and head towards your goals step by step. Also, you can mark the tasks according to their priority; hence, you’ll be doing only what’s urgent while avoiding spending too much time on secondary concerns.
Nobody really likes the “work routine” term; however, it delivers the best results in the long run. Repeating some array of actions every day definitely sounds boring, but it will allow you to make precise predictions and decrease the number of unforeseen issues.
When we speak about remote work, another huge advantage of routine has to be mentioned — lower confusion. It means that a correctly made schedule will direct your mind into a certain field, sharping and clarifying your thoughts.
Claim Your Confidence and Control
Use your schedule planner to create a special pattern for your day. Thus, you’ll be able to insert the things that you love (hobbies, entertainment, hangouts with family and friends) into every day or, at least, into several days of the week. This power, of course, demands more responsibility, but also provides you with absolute independence.
Relationships with your family and other people will be affected by the new and organized “you”. Arriving at meetings, conferences, family gatherings, and other events in time will make you a reliable person, which will be noticed by everyone around you. All these people are going to be more confident in you and, obviously, trust you more.
Some people think that a schedule planner is similar to a diary, but this statement isn’t completely true. Speaking of professional occupation, you can plan in cooperation with your colleagues. It opens opportunities to share tasks, split them into smaller ones, or assign them to different people in your team. Undoubtedly, it will breathe new life into your project.
Measure Your Productivity
Tracking your success is, maybe, among the most important pros of making your days structured and ordered. According to the so-called SMART criteria, the goals you set for yourself have to be, among other principles, measurable and realistic.
With a schedule planner, you can add a couple of to-do lists to your daily routine and record the accomplishments. Let it be your unit of measure, which will allow you not only to see your progression but also create statistics based on the data. With time, it will tell you a lot about what you are capable of and reveal the flaws you still possess.
While reviewing the results, we suggest you correct your ongoing tasks or add some comments for future use. For example, if you see that an element of your list takes too much time to be completed, simply divide it into two separate checkboxes.
Enjoy More Free Time
When you have your 24 hours planned, you don’t need to worry that you have to instantly go out for groceries because you don’t have any food at home. All these seemingly tiny quests still take a lot of time, which could have been spent in a more productive way.
While scheduling might seem to be taking your free time away, it is entirely wrong to put it like that, as it suggests that you also include your hobbies in your plan. Thus, no one will interrupt your pleasure.
After everything said, as strange as it is, planning only gives you more freedom and power to shape your life the way you will enjoy it. By checking the boxes, you will not only grind through all the tasks but also add some gamification to the process and, as a result, have some fun.
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