Kingdom Hearts III developed and published by Square Enix is an Action Role-playing (RPG) video game serves as the 12th installment in the long-running series of Kingdom Hearts, and it is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts II. The game acts as the final chapter in the Dark Seeker Saga. Taking place after the events of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, introducing the series protagonist named as Sora, who is joined by Goofy, Donald Duck, Riku, and King Mickey in their epic search for seven mysterious Guardians of Light. The epic adventure takes the players around the paths with an exciting cast of characters and lets them explore several worlds based on different Pixar, Disney, and Marvel properties.
The game returns Sora as the protagonist while introducing several new characters, including Lea, Master Eraqus, King Mickey, Donald Duck, and more. Returning the villains from previous titles, including Master Xehanort and his different forms such as Young Xehanort, Xemnas, and the Disney characters Pete and Maleficent. The cast of characters which serves as the member of the party of Sora includes the returning Rapunzel, Woody, Flynn Rider, Sulley, and Buzz Lightyear as well as Hercules.
Most of the worlds introduced in-game based on Disney properties are to the long-running series, such as the Tangled-themed Kingdom of Corona the Toy Story-themed Toy Box, Big Hero 6-themed San Francisco, and more. The world of previous entries also appeared in the game like Hercules-themed Olympus, the realm of darkness and more. The game continues the story where it left off in the last title, the characters are searching for seven guardians. Now, in this version, Donald, Sora, and Goofy teamed up to search for guardians of light and the key to Return Hearts, while Riku and King Mickey look for previous Keyblade wielders, to fend off the antagonist named as Master Xehanort from being disturbing the balance of light and darkness. The main character Sora has accomplished his Mark of Mastery, from the start of the game, which he was struggling to do at the Dream Drop Distance’s end. The plot enables the player to examine the seven lights and thirteen darkness stages to face the final battle.
The game brings the similar gameplay to its predecessor for the players, where he is capable of customizing his party members using lots of combinations. Kingdom Heart III comes with improved gameplay and a fantastic cast of character. Once against, Sora joins the party by Goofy and Donald Duck, with the capability of adding two more characters in the party for a total of the five-player party. During the gameplay, the player will face the Unversed, Nobodies, Heartless, scr888, and Heartless, with a new variety of enemy types appearing in the game. Additionally, these smaller enemies, the player will encounter huge bosses, which provide Sora with the freedom of movement and space to experiment with attacks, including the theme-park-ride, known as Attraction Flow. The release date and the information about the upcoming Action Role-playing video game by Square Enix are enough to be excited about its E3 version. Furthermore, it has been recently revealed that the game will be played at E3 in 2018.
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