Small Giant Games is launching Mythic Titans, a brand new event in its popular franchise Empires & Puzzles where players and alliances must work together to earn rewards and claim the top spot in a new leaderboard challenge.
This first event will run for 3 days beginning on December 29, 2020, and will introduce five new titans who have been summoned from the depths of mythic legend, ready to wreak havoc on those brave enough to challenge them. Additional events will be planned for a later date.
For the very first time, the Empires & Puzzles community will be competing against one another individually as players and as alliances to battle the same threat simultaneously. Rewards that are up for grabs include gems, emblems, ascension materials, battle items, crafting materials and summon tokens.
“We’re really excited to introduce our newest event to Empires & Puzzles,” said Jose Saarniniemi, CEO of Small Giant Games. “These new Mythic Titans are not to be underestimated as each comes with its own unique offensive and defensive capabilities. They will challenge players and alliances to discover new tactics to effectively battle against them as well as compete for the top of the leaderboard and other exciting rewards.”
Empires & Puzzles is available to download for free on iOS and Android.
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