“Homing, nurturing and subsequently observing the diverse selection of new species on offer is a delight.”
South America holds the most diverse collection of wildlife in the world. Its vast and luscious rainforests are home to some fascinating creatures and hold within them the secrets of human civilizations gone-by, too. Frontier attempt to embody but a handful of these exciting and intriguing geographical wonders in their new South America DLC pack for Planet Zoo.
I can only guess how painstaking it must have been for the development team to have such a vast array of potential inhabitants available to add to your game, and to limit that selection to just five. If there is one key disappointment of real note about the South America DLC, this is it. As it stands, the significantly slimmed down selection you receive for handing over a little of your pocket money is exciting and diverse in its own right.
Players can enjoy the quirks and delights of the Jaguar, Llama, Capuchin Monkey, Giant Anteater, and the Red-Eyed Tree Frog with the addition of the South America DLC pack to their arsenal; each of which has something unique to offer to your zoological exploits. Be it a noble-like majesty or a playful nature, the Jaguar is a pleasure to watch as it calculatedly claims ownership over the territory you provide it. The chilled and sometimes cheeky llamas can be as entertaining as they are intriguing at times. The Capuchin monkeys certainly take the prize for cuteness in this collection, with the tree frogs taking a close silver medal. They are also the cheekiest residents of the South America selection, though. Surprisingly, though, the anteaters turned out to be the animals which truly piqued my interest. Watching them going about their habitual business was a strange pleasure and somehow enticing; maybe even inspiring. A simple creature, for sure, but one which seems content in its day to day business.
As you can tell from the above, one of the true pleasures of Planet Zoo which continues to shine through in the South America DLC pack is simply observing your animals. The unique behaviours of each species have been carefully observed and re-crafted for the game, with the developers visibly having done some homework (or winged it really, really well). On the flipside, the ability to design and make your zoo your own is further expanded and improved upon in this DLC pack, with the addition of over 250 assets. What’s more, these are perhaps the most exciting object additions to-date.
The glorious civilisations of the South America of old come alive again in your zoo with treasures aplenty, the most exciting of which being the new Aztec temple zoo entrance. Smaller than you might hope but mighty aplenty, visitors to your zoo will be as awe-stricken as you are upon entering your establishment should you add this particular asset to your park. The great range of other thematic assents help to accentuate this even further. It is not, however, the man-made artefacts which really shine through. The ability to play some sort of pseudo-god-like-figure and hand craft a rainforest from the roots to the canopies. Incredible. That being said, this possibility does of course rely on the player in question to have the time and inclination to do so, but for those willing to commit to the concept the results can be magnificent. Dense and luscious vegetation, along with a South American setting for your zoo, allow the possibilities of the South America DLC pack additions to come to life.
Aside from the aforementioned omission of a great number of exciting South American species from the DLC, there is but one, somewhat surprising downside to the offering. Unlike the Arctic DLC pack which proceeded it, the South America DLC does not include any additional scenarios for the game. Players who prefer the sandbox approach and simply wish to add to their assets may miss this omission, but those who appreciate the more structured side of Planet Zoo and who bought the previous DLC will certainly feel the significant hole left by the absence. More significantly, with this DLC being released at the same price point, it is hard to feel like players have not been, well, played to some extent. There may be 50 more assets in this new package, but that does not quite make up for the two, fully voiced scenarios in its predecessor.
You can grab the South American DLC right here on Steam.
Planet Zoo is available on PC
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Planet Zoo South America

Enrich your zoo with over 250 new scenery pieces inspired by the wonderfully diverse South American continent. Care for and learn about five unique new animals and craft Zoos with distinct foliage and architecture ranging from the lush greens of the Amazon basin to the heights of the Andean mountain range.
Product Currency: GBP
Product Price: 7.99
Product In Stock: SoldOut
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