After the recent launch of Season 5: Rockaway Beach, Heavy Metal Machines has now received a free update adding Ranked Mode, a new way for players to receive prizes and see how good their skills are among the community, as well as the addition of gamepad support.
Ranked Mode is a new match search feature that places players in one of several divisions: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and the special Heavy Metal Division. Each one is divided in 5 subdivisions, and Heavy Metal Division is occupied by the players with the highest score in the Gold I division. The ranking will also show the players’ and their friends’ current position among all drivers.
Ranked Mode will effectively replace the Leaderboard, showcasing each player’s individual performance. To enter, drivers will need at least 5 completed matches (excluding custom matches) and to join as a solo player or in duos. All Ranked Mode games will be 4×4 matches set in the Metal God and Temple of Sacrifice arenas. Ranked mode will be divided in approximately 5-month-long seasons, when drivers will receive exclusive in-game rewards according to the highest Division they reached in the period.
Players will be able to race in every mode both using the mouse and keyboard and now with the gamepad. The left stick controls movement, the right stick moves the camera movement around the vehicle during a match, and the buttons activate the car weapons. The controllers that are officially supported are: Xbox 360, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and the default controls can be customized in the “Commands” tab of the Options menu. Upon connecting one of these controllers, the game will identify them and show its icon pattern in the game interface. Other models will show the icon pattern from Xbox 360 as default icons.
Along with all these features, a new Metal League edition is also coming on August 10th. So train alone or with friends and get your engines and weapons ready for another open competitive championship with cash prizes. If you are looking for teammates, get in the official Heavy Metal Machines Discord channel ( as the Community Managers are always welcome to help. All levels can participate in the championship and there are no entry fees.
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