Canadian developer Queen Bee Games, along with publisher Akupara Games, launched their highly anticipated psychedelic platformer, Spinch, on September 3rd, 2020 for PC, Mac, and the Nintendo Switch. Spinch is a visual 2D platformer created by award winning Canadian cartoonist Jesse Jacobs, with audio composition by famed Canadian artist Thesis Sahib. Spinch is rated E for Everyone, and is available now with a limited time launch discount on Steam, GoG, Humble, and the Nintendo eShop. (Links below to take you to the stores)
- Retro-styled visual wonderland with a dazzling color explosion by award-winning Canadian cartoonist, Jesse Jacobs
- A fine-tuned platformer with tight controls to dash, dodge, and jump off surfaces to survive against neon spiders, massive rainbow worms, and bomb-dropping moondogs
- Plunge into the unique worlds ranging from neon plains, to experiment tanks, to frozen icelands, all the way to outer space!
- Face off against enigmatic bosses and shoot them down with your children as ammunition
- Inviting and replayable for everyone with a speedrunning challenge for the insane
- Soundtrack by famed Canadian artist, Thesis Sahib (James Kirkpatrick), featuring compositions written on modified Gameboys and circuit-bent, hand-made instruments.
Play Spinch on the Nintendo eShop:
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