Strategy publisher Kalypso Media thas launched Tropico 6’s second DLC, ‘Spitter’, with the US PlayStation Store version to follow a day later on April 24th. Continuing the series’ penchant for dark humour and city building, Spitter DLC sees Tropico leader El Prez pursuing online infamy in the ever-changing world of social media.
Spitter DLC adds a new fame feature to Tropico 6. Using Spitter, the only social media app approved for use in Tropico, players can make a name for themselves through interactions with faction leaders, courtships with influencers and connections with celebrities. They can also build new attractions such as the Rehab Centre and Beauty Farm to ensure that citizens and visitors have everything that they need right at their doorstep.
Check out the Kalypso Store and the feature list below for a full run-down.
- Spitter social media feature: interact with superstars and faction leaders via a social app to increase your standing and unlock new traits for celebrities
- New mission and sandbox map
- 3 new buildings: lure celebrities to Tropico by building a Rehab Center or Beauty Farm, or assist in their decision to become permanent residents using the Super Villa
- New trait: Narcissist
- 3 new audio tracks including: ‘Comercio Feliz’, ‘La Celebridad’ and ‘Fiesta en el Club’
- 5 additional customization options for El Prez and his palace
For more information, please visit
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