Unconventionality rules in UGLYDOLLS, the new animated family adventure based on the beloved toy brand. In the adorably different town of Uglyville, the free-spirited Moxy (Kelly Clarkson) and her UglyDolls friends confront what it means to be different, struggle with their desire to be loved, and ultimately discover that you don’t have to be perfect to be amazing because who you truly are is what matters most.
Directed by Kelly Asbury (Gnomeo and Juliet, Shrek 2), UGLYDOLLS features original songs by Kelly Clarkson, Janelle Monáe, Blake Shelton, Nick Jonas and Pitbull.
In a recent interview with USA today Kelly Clarkson said “Moxy could not be more perfect for me. Because I’m not really that (princess) girl. I’m really this girl,”
“UglyDolls is a giant metaphor on life,” she says. “We all come in different shapes, sizes and personalities, but with our own individuality.”
Created as a plush toy line by David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim, the UglyDoll brand quickly gained a cult following around the world. Beloved by children, teenagers and adults alike, UglyDoll characters are distinct for their endearing “ugliness,” in a wonderful “uglyverse” where differences are celebrated and embraced.
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