With the Alien invasion, few are better to help save the day than the Man of Steel himself. Fortunately for the Island, his Battle Pass Quests are now available, revealing a mission to restore Clark Kent’s memories and unlock his heroic Set. Suit up as the iconic Kryptonian starting today.
Superman Quests, Super Rewards
Part of the Chapter 2 Season 7 Battle Pass, the Superman Quests — and their rewards — are detailed below. In the Quests, you’ll even work with Armored Batman and Beast Boy to investigate who stole Clark Kent’s memories.
(Please note that Battle Stars are not needed to unlock the rewards.)
The Superman Quests:
Complete 1 Quest from Clark Kent, Armored Batman, or Beast Boy
Begin helping to see what happened to Clark Kent’s memories. Unlocks the Call to Action Emoticon.
Complete 3 Quests from Clark Kent, Armored Batman, or Beast Boy
Clark Kent digs deep to illuminate his past. Unlocks the Superman Shield Spray.
Complete 5 Quests from Clark Kent, Armored Batman, or Beast Boy
Clark Kent remembers he’s Clark Kent… and Superman! Unlocks the Clark Kent Outfit.
Glide through 3 rings as Clark Kent
His powers begin to return. Unlocks the Daily Planet Back Bling.
Use a Phone Booth as Clark Kent
His powers are back, thanks to your help. Go to a Phone Booth to suit up!
This Quest unlocks the built-in Secret Identity Emote, which transforms Clark Kent into Superman and vice versa. (Alternatively, players can choose to start matches as Superman in their Locker!) The Superman Cape Back Bling is also unlocked by this Quest.
Up, Up and Away: Epic Quests for Even More Rewards
You can unlock even more Superman rewards for completing certain amounts of Chapter 2 Season 7 Epic Quests! In addition to new items, these rewards include the “Shadow” alt Style for Clark Kent, Superman, and the Set’s accessories.
In order, the Superman rewards unlocked this way are:
- The Kal-El’s Cape Glider
- A Superman Banner
- The Last Son of Krypton Loading Screen
- The Solitude Striker Pickaxe
- The Shadow variant for Clark Kent, the Daily Planet Back Bling (the “Late Edition”), the Superman Cape Back Bling, and the Solitude Striker Pickaxe
When playing as Shadow Clark Kent, activate the Secret Identity Emote to transform into Shadow Superman. (Or choose in your Locker to start out as Shadow Superman!)
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