Apple TV+ has shared the trailer for the upcoming docuseries “Becoming You,” narrated by Academy Award-winning actress, Olivia Colman. Told through the eyes of over 100 children around the world, from Nepal to Japan and Borneo, “Becoming You” explores how the first 2000 days on earth shape the rest of our lives. Each episode offers a thought-provoking look at how children learn to think, speak and move from birth to five-years-old, and underscores how different our journeys can be but ultimately tells the story of our shared humanity and community when it comes to raising children. The series is produced by Wall to Wall Media and is executive produced by Leanne Klein and Hamo Forsyth.
“Becoming You” joins an expanding slate of docuseries on Apple TV+, including the Emmy Award-nominated “Home”; “Dear…” from award-winning filmmaker R.J. Cutler; “Tiny World,” narrated by Paul Rudd; and the upcoming “Earth at Night in Color,” narrated by Tom Hiddleston which premieres December 11.
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