E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy is a PC game developed by the French studio by the name of Streum On Studio.The game is set in a dystopian future where every man alive is decked out with human enchantments. The world follows a cyberpunk vision of the future where everyone has a computer aided brain and body.
You find yourself waking up half dead in a dark cave with amnesia to discover you’re a member of Secreta: a secret organisation opposing the malevolent police force. The game from the beginning throws an immensely interesting but incredibly confusing world at the player. From the get go multiple parts of the story can be changed from who you work for and who your fighting with. This branching story features prominently, however this is hoping that you understand what’s going on at the time. EYE uses text to explain the story, while English voice overs would be nice to hear EYE uses its own language (Rumoured to be a mix of Japanese, French and gibberish)
EYE’s core gameplay is reminiscent most source engine games, like Counter Strike and Half Life, but the game also includes humongous amounts of RPG elements reminiscent of Deus Ex. From the start of the game EYE shows you its immense depth. You’re offered three different genetic modifications. Most veteran RPG players will even be blown away by its design, flinging words at you like PSI force, accuracy and mental stability as core stats. The player uses these three mods to help him pick from a random selection of stat balancing.
EYE feels similar to many modern sandbox games with fairly open level design, allowing players to decide how to approach any given situation. You can select from three different weight sets of armour and mountain of weaponry, the game uses a weight limit and a unique storage space design to limit what you take.
The standard RPG styles of play are all here; Tank, Mage and Rouge. The mages of EYE use physic powers, mind control and force push work, however more surprisingly abilities like cloning your self is a starting skill. One move proves to be a favourite of mine, which teleports you to an enemy’s location causing them to explode in the process. Players can imitate tanks by wielding heavy armour and rouges by sneaking. I can’t do the game justice, however by attempting to pigeon hole classes onto the game, as it allows for such freedom. I started the game intending to do stealth, only to start wielding a minigun while cloaked, the effects were astounding as I snuck through my foes only to de cloak and unleash a tidal wave of bullets at point blank.
Each part of EYE is filled with fathoms of depth, such as a simple act of hacking can used to play the entire game, and doing so won’t destroy your fun. Hack feature prominently, allowing you to possess, steal info, hack and destroy your target. Players hack things by sending viruses to the target weakening barriers that protect their core computer’s health. EYE does hacking a bit differently allowing the machine your hacking to hack you back. In situations I attempt to hack a door only for it to back fire, you get a particular amount of joy when you’re getting hacked by a door.
Now comes EYE biggest short coming… the tutorial. If you’re planning to play EYE, be ready to use websites and guides to get any vague knowledge on how to do things. The game’s Tutorial is video menu with captions explain what to do, many of which lack depth for you to get a full understanding of how it works.
EYE graphics are average at best supported by the games glorious ascetics. Each area and zone really gives the sense of scale, and the feel that people can actually live in these houses, and really aids in the immersion, this can however frustrate players due to masses and masses of travel time between each fight.
From my knowledge there are roughly 250 levels in the game a level which only a select few will reach, while one play through won’t get you there you can take your character online into 32 player Co op. Yes that’s correct 32 players CO OP!! You don’t get much more absurd then that. The co op in the game is mostly random missions much like the single player; it allows all experience and money to cross over.
EYE is a wonderful game filled with depth galore, and proves to be one of the most absurd and demented games I will ever play. It’s interesting, confusing and mad all at the same time and with endless possibilities on how the game will go for you, everyone should give it a go.
Gallons of Depth, perfected source engine shooting and endless possibilities on how to play.
A unique style, an incredible world keep you constantly hooked and immersed. Every area is a wonder to behold, sadly however it’s dragged down by average visuals, and a servilely lacking tutorial
Open ended gameplay, 250 levels, 32 PLAYER CO OP, and branching storyline. The question is will you stop playing this game.
A joy to play from beginning to end, and a joy for everyone who likes RPG, shooters or even the stat bashing from hacking. If you own a PC buy it, if you don’t buy a PC buy one and get it. It’s £20 for one of the best games out there.
Apart from the issues with the tutorial, stealth is partly bugged with a patch on the way to fix it. Currently stealth is possible just incredibly difficult due to super human visions, and inhuman AI tracking skills, but this is nothing that can’t be solved by a cloaking device.
Disclaimer:All scores given within our reviews are based on the artist’s personal opinion; this should in no way impede your decision to purchase the game