Crunchyroll, the world’s most popular anime brand, has launched “Behind the Scenes of Dr. STONE,” a documentary about the creation of the anime series, featuring Creative Producer Shusuke Katagiri and Director Shinya Lino. Shot entirely onsite in Japan, the documentary…
Dr. STONE to premiere at Anime Expo on July 4
Crunchyroll is announcing the world premiere of “Dr. STONE” at Anime Expo, featuring special guests Shusuke Katagiri (“Dr. STONE” anime producer) and Hiroyuki Honda (Weekly SHONENJUMP manga editor). On Thursday, July 4, fans will be treated to the premiere of…
Dr. STONE heading to Crunchyroll as part of its summer simulcast season
Crunchyroll, the world’s popular anime brand, is thrilled to announce that Dr. STONE will be heading to the platform as a part of its summer simulcast season. Based on the smash hit Shonen Jump title of the same name, written…