Outright Games and Paramount Game Studios have teamed up to launch the highly anticipated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutants Unleashed. Developed by A Heartful of Games, this exciting 3D beat ’em up platformer is now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation…
New Avatar The Last Airbender Action-RPG Announced
Exciting news for Avatar The Last Airbender fans! Paramount Game Studios and Saber Interactive, in partnership with Avatar Studios, are developing a brand-new AAA action-RPG set in the Avatar Legends universe. This upcoming game, created for PC and consoles, will…
First Trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutants Unleashed
Hey TMNT fans! Outright Games, a top global publisher of family-friendly interactive entertainment, has teamed up with Paramount Game Studios to bring you something super exciting. Today, they’ve dropped the first trailer for their highly anticipated video game, “Teenage Mutant…