Batholith Games, the creator of the hit ancient city-building strategy game Empire Architect, is introducing its newest game titled Guilds of Delenar. The latest project is a guild management game with RPG elements and a tactical combat system that will enter Steam Early Access in March 2019.
Guilds of Delenar is coming to Steam in March
Alison & Co
Hello, My name is Alison, I am the site manager of IGC and good friends of Craig (Finite), I actually live on the same street as him, that's how close we are. This account is being used to post news by myself, and a few members of our team. Personally, I am an avid fan of JRPG's and RPG's in general, I also love old school retro platformers like Mario, and finally, for some reason, I enjoy souls-like games. I run my own business along with 2 other sites, one for holidays and the other for music. This year I hope to grow my business more and maybe find my one true love. You can contact me at
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