Digital Extremes has announced the protector, the quick, the fire-walking Warframe Nezha Prime has arrived in all regions and on all platforms (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch). For the first time ever, Nezha Prime Access features a generous 90-Day Resource Booster that doubles Resource pick-ups. Prepare to feel the heat, Tenno!
Armed with a powerful throwing Shakram ring, fiery features and Abilities, and puncturing Divine Spears, Nezha Primeā€™s petit and playful facade conceals his immense power. Hunt for Nezha Primeā€™s relics and build his Blueprints for free in-game — or acquire Nezha Prime, Guandao Prime and Zakti Prime by purchasing Nezha Prime Access. Download Warframe for free now to join in the fun!
To purchase Nezha Prime, visit:
Tenno also will be happy to know that separately, in addition to Nezha Primeā€™s availability, todayā€™s update features Nightwave Episode 5 (prepare for an exciting boss fight!) and the ability to reach Master Ranking 30.
Nezha Prime Access is a powerful package, containing Nezha Prime, donned in his most stylish attire and featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization; Guandao Prime, engineered for the divine to reap a harvest of lives; Zakti Prime, wielded to unleash waves of gas damage with a smattering of spiny, toxin-filled flechettes; and Nezha Prime Glyphs, a show of cosmetic devotion to the Prince of Flame.
Nezha Prime Accessories include Ransha Prime Armor, Baurahn Prime Ephemera, 90-Day Affinity Booster, and our brand new, generous 90-Day Resource Amount Booster!
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